On the occassion of  the fifty-sixth anniversary of the annexation of Eritrea to the Ethiopian Empire

Written by: Ali Mohammed Saleh - London U.K Translated By: Saeed Abdulhai

On the occassion of the fifty-sixth anniversary of the annexation of Eritrea

 هكذا دائماً اهل الركوع والسجود

to the Ethiopian Empire.

On November 13, 1962, Eritrea was annexed to Ethiopia and the Eritrean Parliament was dissolved. This date is considered a severe blow to the wishes and aspirations of the Eritrean people for freedom and independence.

There is no doubt that some Eritrean traitors have contributed to this despicable conspiracy and nfortunatly they were from the high rank and rifle men of the country at that time . This group of traitors includes mainly ,Asfeha W. michael," the chairman of the executive authorty of the Eritrean government and the other traitor was Hamed Faraj who was the chairpeeson of the Eritrean parliament and his deputy, the priest, Demitros who was well known by Qeshi "Demetros."

The decision to annex Eritrea to Ethiopia was very shocking, but the determination of the Eritrean people was very solid and did not relentat at any cost , also the morality did not descend , every Eritrean insisted to continue the struggle in all possible ways.

Everyone believed that our struggle with Ethiopian colonization would take a long time and will not end easily.But It was clear that his accumilated sacrifices would lead in the end of the day to enable of the Eritrean people to achieve their final victory and independence and freedom from Ethiopian oppression and tyranny.

What is happening nowadays recall the common expression: "History repeats itself."
because all Eritreans were surprised by, a sudden peace agreement between Eritrea and Ethiopia which was announced after the 20-year state of no-war and no-peace.

Taking our previous experience with Ethiopians colonisers in consideration a simlpe question come to the mind : is this another conspiracy cooked on a quiet fire, by its crazy Godfather Isayas Afewerki, and the traitor agent "Abraha Kassa" and the the traitor agent "Al Amin Mohammed Saeed"...this may mean that Eritrean have to pay again another expensive price to maintain their achievements , but no doubt that the Eritrean people will not give up against this new conspiracy aiming its national entity existence .

This time it appears that the conspiracy takes its international and regional dimension as a result of the ongoing conflict between the international forces in our region, which constitutes the strategic dimension of the global economy.

The given situation in our region impose the Eritrean national forces to unite and overcome their secondary differences in the face of this danger, which threatens our existence, and to prove their presence on the ground, and warns the international and regional parties that their plan will not succeed in the presence of the owners of the national cause.

The current situation is not, as some may believe or think as just a simple peace deal between two countries. On the contrary, it is an attempt to dissolve the Eritrea entity under the such pretext . thus we must confirm our existence by all available means.

Long live for the Eritrean people.


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